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Help me choose my glasses!

August 7, 2012

My collection of five home try-on frames arrived from Warby Parker!

I’m almost as excited as this dude. Heyyyy!


Glasses always look weird on my oversized moon face, but I have to say I’m pleasantly surprised by these Warby Parkers. One pair was absolutely not right for me, but the other four actually look pretty okay.


So which ones do you like the best? I am unable to look at my own face and tell. (And whoa, I look INTENSE in those photos. Or maybe I’m just THAT fierce.)

Am I Tina Fey yet?


The thing about Warby Parker is that they have almost TOO many great options to choose from. Like those frames I’m wearing on the top left? They also come in this slinkster cool clear.

Also, their glasses are just $95 flat. That’s far better than the deal I was getting at my optometrist’s office, where he was constantly trying to upsell me like some used car dealer. Even when I didn’t go for extra-thin lenses, 10 kinds of coatings, additional warranties and whatnot, somehow I always got stuck with a $300+ bill for new glasses anyway. And that’s with insurance.

Best of all, for every pair you buy, Warby Parker donates a pair to someone in need. Stylish AND charitable? Yes, please!

Leave a comment below and tell me which ones I should order.