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Say wat?

April 10, 2011

I spent my first full day in Chiang Mai, Thailand, wandering aimlessly around town on foot, popping into random wats.

Like this.

Big, old wat.


And this.

Wooden wat.


And this.

Gilded wat.


Along the way, I saw a few things I’ve never seen inside temples before. For instance, the tree trunks were covered with nuggets of bumper sticker wisdom.

My ugly mug agrees with this.


A TV crew filming in the temple. What made it surreal is that the crew sent the actual praying people out of the temple and brought in some fake ones.

Cut! That prostration needs work.


Bottled temple water.

Like Evian, but with enlightenment.


A magical coin-operated blessing machine.

My wish was to be big.


Another one, but sadder.

This one gave me a blessing. I think. It was in Thai, so who knows?


And finally, monk keychains.

You can’t see the cardboard on top of the packaging in this photo, but they all say “Fashion” — because monks are known for their fashion sense.

Collect them all!